I don’t make fried chicken very often. Fried anything for that matter. But, when (and if) the need arrises this is my go-to recipe. I know there are probably healthier versions out there, which…
A friend I met at a mutual acquaintance’s New year’s Eve party introduced me to Blue Apron this start of 2013. [I have not been paid or asked to write this review–the opinions expressed…
Update Long Distance Runner is screening on Saturday, April 13th at 5PM. Tickets are available here. I encourage anyone attending the 2013 Boston Marathon to stop by–all of the films look amazing! *** I…
Dave vs. David I only went to a parochial school for one year of my life… St. Josephs. 1st grade. I really can’t imagine what an additional 11 years might’ve done to my fragile…
This song started out as a simple backing track for an instructional video I made on how to make a hot toddy. It was probably the first new-ish thing I had recorded in my…
First, you need a blizzard with preferably 24″+ of snow. Huge snow banks are also a plus. You will definitely need a shovel and a modicum of core strength. Snow pants/boots recommended. Next, you…