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  • run bike swim

    a slush run through boston

    Why hello there. I know, I am a slacker. To be honest I’ve been pretty busy; I am training for the Paris Marathon this coming April… crazy, right? I never thought in a million…

    January 25, 2014
  • run bike swim

    born to run (I was not)

    Running is my everything, so it’s been a pretty shitty past few months for me. First this happened. Then this: Why I thought upgrading my system software while Mercury is in retrograde would be a…

    November 10, 2013
  • run bike swim

    breaking back

    The plan was to drink enough wine Saturday night as to thwart any attempt at being able to run a 5k early Sunday morning. I happily submerged into a hot bath with an $8…

    October 10, 2013
  • attire run bike swim

    introducing the tornado running short?

    Wondering what guys are running in this summer. This winter I ran through the streets of Boston in an Adidas running tight. Specifically, the Adidas techfit™ Preparation Long Tights. I found these tights gave…

    June 14, 2013
  • run bike swim

    keep running

    I want to preface this post by saying if you have the means, donations can be made to the Boston One Fund to assist those affected by the tragedy. This past Tuesday I ran…

    April 17, 2013