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  • my kitchen

    holy moly enchiladas mole

    Oh how I miss decent Mexican food whether it be New Mexican, Sonoran, Baja style, or Mexico City cuisine… I heart all of it. I was spoiled living in New Mexico, Arizona and my…

    April 27, 2013
  • my kitchen

    fish tacos!

    Fish tacos! Here is my version which I love; however, I have to say that that I switched-up one new element and that’s the preparation of the fish. I opted for a smoked cedar…

    May 14, 2012
  • my kitchen

    viva la breakfast burrito

    Having lived in the state of New Mexico for one year and Arizona for a decade, one thing I truly miss is a decent breakfast burrito. I’ve tried a few here in New England…

    February 5, 2012