Becoming a consistent runner and triathlete has afforded me so many positive benefits it would take a lifetime to list them all–and I would end up being punched in the face repeatedly if I…
I commute daily from my little Boston hood of Jamaica Plain into the city via the T. (For non-Boston residents the T = subway.) Specifically, I ride the Orange Line in all it’s rickety and spine-tingling glory. Out…
Unless you’ve been hiding under a large unmovable object as of late you may not have heard of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I’m going to assume you’ve been quite ambulatory and additionally well-acclimated…
I was not paid, compensated or asked to write this post. All views expressed are that of my own. I recently returned from Europe where I was kindly reminded me of how much…
I’m over winter. I’m over winter because I have a short attention span and I’m ready for change even if it means enduring my least favorite season: Spring. Spring doesn’t do anything for me.…
I left my office in downtown Boston and decided that the gorgeous autumn evening presented to me was deserved of a more attuned commute. Normally, I descend the stairs into the Chinatown T stop…