the beverage cart

oh summer, oh summer

December 26, 2011

I had a difficult time warming up today–which is odd considering my super power is heating things up solely with my abnormally high body temperature. I run hot.

It’s late December in Boston–I took this photo so long ago (July) it’s difficult to imagine ever opening the window for fresh air. The polarity of the bi-annual solstice ritual induces such severe amnesia it’s impossible to think I would ever want anything chilled (with exception to a gingerly stirred martini or an ice pack gently calming my L4).

But fuck. This looks pretty amazing.

Vodka, is there anything you can’t do?

I rarely measure but I can tell you this is a healthy pairing of mint, strawberries, blueberries, tonic and yes, vodka. If your glass looks like this photo you have properly made this drink. In tribute to 80’s pop bands unnecessarily repeating their nomenclature I call this beverage “oh summer, oh summer”.

you will need:

  • ice
  • fresh blueberries/fresh strawberries
  • tonic water
  • mint, muddled or chopped
  • last, but not least, vodka. In a non-martini situation I prefer something with a bite. Look for a craft Vodka or go with Stoli.


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