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  • run bike swim

    born to run (I was not)

    Running is my everything, so it’s been a pretty shitty past few months for me. First this happened. Then this: Why I thought upgrading my system software while Mercury is in retrograde would be a…

    November 10, 2013
  • run bike swim

    breaking back

    The plan was to drink enough wine Saturday night as to thwart any attempt at being able to run a 5k early Sunday morning. I happily submerged into a hot bath with an $8…

    October 10, 2013
  • attire

    why hello warby parker

    [I was not paid or endorsed to write this post; all opinions expressed are those of my own.] By now you’ve probably heard of Warby Parker. Personally I’m a little late to the party…

    July 1, 2013