I left my office in downtown Boston and decided that the gorgeous autumn evening presented to me was deserved of a more attuned commute. Normally, I descend the stairs into the Chinatown T stop…
I remember the junk drawer in our house when I was a kid–I was kind of obsessed with it. It wasn’t in the most practical location–the drawer sat at the very bottom of a…
Running is my everything, so it’s been a pretty shitty past few months for me. First this happened. Then this: Why I thought upgrading my system software while Mercury is in retrograde would be a…
In 1982 I was in the 5th grade. I was short. I was slow. I was the last picked for every team, at every gym class, for every sport. I have a particular memory…
The plan was to drink enough wine Saturday night as to thwart any attempt at being able to run a 5k early Sunday morning. I happily submerged into a hot bath with an $8…
[I was not paid or endorsed to write this post; all opinions expressed are those of my own.] By now you’ve probably heard of Warby Parker. Personally I’m a little late to the party…