It’s true. I bought a juicer strictly for cocktail purposes.
Fuck it. Fuck it!
Anyway, I bought a Breville juicer from Amazon–it was {perhaps still is?} on sale for $99 and has a solid 4 1/2 stars out of over 1,000 reviews. (That’s fairly outstanding.)
So far it seems like it handles hard fruits/veggies such as apples and carrots best. Softer fruits have yielded pulpier and foamier results. The juicer comes with a carafe that is supposed to filter out the foam but I haven’t found this to be the case.
Sunday mid-afternoon berry mimosas. Sounds great right? Maybe I am being too hard on myself but I always strive for OH MY GOD THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING MUST TELL EVERYONE. Should I even bother writing this… honestly? Should I? Is anyone reading this? If a mimosa recipe falls in a blog forest and no one reads it does it make a sound? Well, that makes no sense, but the answer is yes. A resounding yes. It makes the sound of Sade and she is singing Smooth Operator. Now she is singing Jezebel.
I digress.
Berry Mimosas.
You will need:
- Some sort of juicer
- Champagne (I used a dry French Sparkling White /Atmospheres – Jo Landron)
- Assortment of berries, I used strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
- Juice of a few lemons / twists
- Champagne flutes
- Sade’s Greatest Hits
Make a few lemon twists and then squeeze the juice and set aside. In a juicer add all of the berries until you have a nice blood red concoction. I added the berry juice to the flutes first, then added the sparkling wine and last floated the citrus juice on top. Finally a lemon twist for a garnish.
That’s it. These were good. I think next time I am going to forgo berries and maybe experiment with blood orange and peach. Damn. Why didn’t I just do that? There is much juice to be had…
What’s that saying, something about juice in the hand? Wait. Nevermind.
1 Comment
i kinda did the same thing too. i mean, i drink a straight green juice in the morning sure, but damn if that juicer doesn’t turn out some ginger juice for some awesomely potent cocktails…