What to do with this fashionprescription.com…
I don’t really consider myself a fashion maven by any means; yet, I am frequently asked for my opinion on such things. Maybe it’s my slightly effeminate demeanor, maybe it’s my wardrobe choices. Who knows.
Anyway, my advice was recently requested by a fellow peer regarding wedding attendance attire. Specifically, two dress choices and their respective accessorization.
I immediately thought of a flight attendant I saw in Denmark. She was amazing. Tall boots, pencil skirt and a wrap worn in such a fabulous way it was worth making a mental note.
So I sketched this:
Maybe I got into the wrong profession.
Sadly my sewing is limited to aprons; otherwise maybe I would consider a new career, or at the very least submit a video audition to Project Runway. I own the domain fashionprescription.com and for over a decade have pondered its raison d’être. Maybe it’s time to start taking submissions? What say ye? Personalized wardrobe sketch anyone?
Still eating poultry…
Here is this week’s roasted chicken dish presented with veggies and classic mashed potatoes. Whole roast chicken is a really great way to warm the home both literally and figuratively. There’s just something so classic about being outside in the crisp autumn air only to enter a house brimming with the smell of comfort food.
My mashed potatoes: I use drippings from the roast chicken and omit the use of any milk. I add just a tiny bit of butter and a modicum of parmesan, and of course salt and pepper. So good.
I do love gravy. I start with a basic roux but instead of conventional flour I use gluten free flour. I have actually found that gluten free flour makes a superior gravy since it’s mostly comprised of potato and rice starch. The end result is supple and maybe even… sensuous.
Which leads me to…
The obvious thing to do with leftover whole roast chicken is to make soup. Also prefect nostalgia food for autumn. Having lived in New Mexico, for me, there really is only one way to make chicken soup–with green chiles. Green chiles have the perfect amount of heat and flavor making everyday chicken soup something special.
Getting close to peaking…
I predict this weekend we will experience peak fall colors. We’ve had some duds up here in Boston the past few years–but not this autumn. In addition to the blazing anthocyanins, It’s raining acorns and buckeyes something fierce. Our backyard trees are relentless and are no doubt out to murder us (by us I mean mostly the dogs). One tiny gust of wind is all it takes to be bombarded with a seriously rough pelting of nuts.

franklin park, boston
And so…
Lest us dust the rims of our glasses with cinnamon sugar and let the Pumpkin Ale flow: pour a splash of bourbon and a splash of vanilla extract on a plate. Soak the rim of the glass and then immediately place the rim of the glass onto a plate with cinnamon and sugar. I usually wait a minute or so to let the mixture harden. Pour the glass with your favorite pumpkin beer and voila! Instant autumn in a glass.
If you are not a runner you can just skip this part…
I was supposed to run two races this past weekend, the Ocktoberfest 5k and the Franklin Park Mile. A few weeks ago I PR’ed my 5k time with an 18:39 finish and 6:01 average mile. I was very excited to keep the PR’s going but sadly my stupid fucking back refused to cooperate. It sucks when you do all of the right things but still hit road blocks, i.e. work at a standing desk, practice yoga, follow a devout regimen of stretching (deserving of its own religion), basically doing all of the things, etc.. The truth is, this particular “episode” has been mild comparatively, but it’s enough that I can’t compete which makes me go something something*.

from my last 5k PR, 18:39
The worst part of not competing this past Sunday was that my running club, the Forest Hills Runners, hosted the Franklin Park Mile–a one mile race in Franklin Park. One mile races are intense. They’re essentially a sprint with no particular concern about “going out too fast”. In fact, going out too fast is precisely the idea. Last year I think my time was 5:28. I was actually nursing an injury at the time and nowhere near the level I am running at now. Because I am slightly competitive, I was very curious to see how my increased endurance would’ve faired. Next year, I guess. And next year… my dirndl and I are winning a trophy at the Cambridge 5K Oktoberfest.
I’m definitely feeling better and plan on some light runs later this week. I’m just hoping that my baseline hasn’t suffered from not running for the past ten days. Next week I am competing in the Boston Half-Marathon and it’s imperative that I run this race at the effort I’ve trained for. Wish me luck.
All rest and no running makes Davie a dull boy.
*Speaking of going something, something…
It’s getting close to Halloween and I just love Halloween. I think I may create a gallery post of costumes of yore, but for the sake of speeding this along, I present to you this year’s candidate: the Grady Twins. Yes, it’s a couple’s costume. Yes, I will be in drag (kind of). We are attending a party at the Liberty Hotel, formerly a jail, with a theme devoted solely to Stanley Kubrick’s psychotic masterpiece “The Shining”.

© warner bros. pictures
After searching Pinterest for “Grady Twins costume” it’s safe to say we won’t be the first man, woman or child to pull this off. Also, kudos to any parent who would actually dress up their childen in this macabre costume, “Mommy… what is my costume supposed to be?”
So, this is a true story…
When I was five years old I was a munchkin in the Milwaukee Melody Top’s production of The Wizard of OZ. Because the internet is all-knowing someone has actually archived the production–my name is listed at the bottom as a munchkin (Also note the graphic design of the program cover). Trivia: Nancy Kulp, the character of the secretary on the television show Beverly Hillbillies, played the witch.
Some producers attending the production asked my Mom if she would be willing to fly me to L.A. to screen-test for the part of Danny in The Shining. She said: “No thanks.” I was unaware of this offer otherwise I would have said, “let’s roll.”

(L to R) Nancy Kulp, me and “Toto”; principal actor, Stubby Kaye (The Lion) and me; munchkin cast (I’m at the bottom)
What the shit!!! I could’ve been Danny in The Shining!
Goodbye Danny, Hello Tyler…
I finally used my autumn wardrobe budget on boots. Frye boots, specifically Tyler, and they are awesome. (Thanks to the charming Kate for helping me with my purchase at the Frye boutique on Newbury Street.) Here’s the thing–go ahead and spend $330 on boots. They will last a long, long time. Just for the record, I’m not in a profession where I can just spend this kind of money at will–like say, maybe a famous actor that once starred in The Shining. Additionally, I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country–so I guess it’s quality over quantity.
And then the weekend ends…
Bloody Mary’s. There’s really nothing to add here other than pickled jalapeño juice, worcestershire sauce, horseradish, sriracha, all of the hot sauces, lime juice, homemade tomato juice and vodka. Oh, and a sprig of asparagus.
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