This is a recipe I’ve been making for awhile… essentially a breakfast pizza, or the breakfast ‘za.
Honestly, this brunch pie isn’t much different than a normal Sunday morning brunch other than, like its traditional pizza contemporary, all of the components are assembled in one handy place. (In this case sautéed veggies, eggs, bread and cheese.)
I start with a gluten free crust that I make in my kitchen aid stand mixer-this takes all of 5 minutes to make since there is no rising process. (Although I do add dry-active yeast for flavor.)
I use a cast iron pizza pan and dust with a bit of corn meal. Much like traditional pizza, anything can be added. Keeping with what I consider standard brunch fare I prefer a sauté of asparagus, mushrooms and onions.
The cheese is also subjective, but ideally you want something that at the very least has decent melting properties. I’ve found that Gruyere has a nice strong, nutty flavor that works well. When adding the cheese make four wells (or nests) that will eventually hold the eggs in place.
This is important! Before adding the eggs you want to throw the pizza into the oven until the pizza starts to take form, i.e. crust cooks through and the cheese melts; otherwise, the eggs will over-cook.
For this pizza, I’ve made room for four eggs.
Depending on your egg-style preference will determine how long you cook the rest of the pizza. I try and time the pizza so that the albumen is cooked through but I still retain a tummy and runny egg yolk.
This recipe easily satisfies four persons and pairs well with just about anything else you want to serve. Much like pizza.
Bon appetite!
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